David Beckham called out Victoria on-camera when she called herself working class

I was in my 30s before I really understood that the British class system is vastly different from the American class system. In America, class is determined by money more than anything else, and you can be born in one class and move to another through work, education, marriage and/or money. In Britain, you’re born and you’ll die in the same class, regardless of what happens in between, regardless of who you marry or what money you make. The idea of “middle class” is vastly different too – in America, “middle class” means families who, like, own a home, live in the suburbs, at least one parent has a college degree and enough income to live somewhat comfortably. In Britain, that same family would easily be called “working class.”

The difference in class systems and how they’re viewed is on display in Netflix’s Beckham docuseries. Within Britain, Victoria and David Beckham are both viewed (and they view themselves) as coming from working-class backgrounds. But David called out Victoria on-camera in what is becoming THE viral clip from the series:

— Netflix (@netflix) October 5, 2023

It’s hilarious how David was listening to Victoria’s on-camera interview from outside the room and then she said “very working class” and he was like “NOT ON MY WATCH.” Honestly, though, I understand why she thinks she was working class – it’s because she didn’t come from “family money,” she has no aristocratic links and her family was probably “working class” generations ago. But she’s “posh” working class, in that her parents were successful and her dad drove a Rolls Royce. Still, David calling her out like that is hilarious. She truly wasn’t “working class” in the same way David was.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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