Jobson: Princess Kate will ‘increasingly step out solo’ while William ‘spreads his wings’

For months, Kensington Palace has been soft-launching “Bachelor Prince William hates being around his wife and loves attention from the ladies.” Royal sources have been emphasizing that we will see less of William and Kate together, and that William sees Kate as the mother of his children and little more. The latest plotline is that after months of assuring everyone that Kate would join William in Singapore, she’s now refusing to go because she has to support George as he takes some test. Instead of openly reporting on the increasingly visible fissures in the Wales marriage, the royal reporters with access are being tasked with merely talking up the “solo William” and “solo Kate” stories. Enter Robert Jobson, someone with a lot of access to King Charles’s court. Some highlights from his new piece in the Express:

Solo Kate: News that the Princess of Wales is not accompanying her husband to be at his side at his Earthshot Prize Awards ceremony in Singapore next month has caused some disquiet. She has decided instead to stay home to look after their three children during an important week as Prince George, 10, has school exams and his mother believes she should be at home in Windsor to support him. Increasingly, I am told, she will step out solo. The King sees his daughter-in-law as a great asset to the monarchy and with fewer working royals her public profile will receive a boost… She will focus more and more on her role as a “children’s champion” and her early years projects.

William doesn’t want to be overshadowed by Kate’s wigs: But it means William too will spread his wings. So often when he is accompanied by his wife the press focus on her and not on the issues he wants to raise, “It can be all about what the princess wears as far as the media is concerned, which means some of the big issues get ignored,” said a source. “When he is on his own, the coverage tends to be about the issues he is trying to highlight.” This may or may not be the reason for Kate not going to Singapore – but it is part of it.

William’s American ambitions: For William, his visit to America was hugely important. Being in the Big Apple for the week of the United Nations General Assembly during Climate Week to announce the finalists of this year’s Earthshot Prize for him was essential. Now in its third year Earthshot is gaining momentum. William has big global ambitions for the prize, I am told, that has already been dubbed by some this week as the “Nobel prize for the environment.” Those close to him said he loved being in New York, and his highlight was his run around Central Park, without anyone noticing him. The love and affection shown by the American people last September at the time of the Queen’s death meant a lot to him. “It will stay with him forever,” a senior source said.

[From The Daily Express]

“Increasingly, I am told, she will step out solo. The King sees his daughter-in-law as a great asset to the monarchy and with fewer working royals her public profile will receive a boost.” Interesting that the king sees Kate as a great asset but William does not. William is annoyed that Kate gets more attention, and he sees her as deeply unserious. It’s fascinating to watch Jobson talk around that too: “This may or may not be the reason for Kate not going to Singapore – but it is part of it.” Oh, so the “helping George take a test” excuse is just a cover story, huh? The real story is William simply does not want Kate there or anywhere around him. The invisible contract is getting so frayed, you guys. As for William’s American obsession… I’m starting to wonder if Kate even shares it. Like, William’s completely one-sided competition with Harry means that William is suddenly keen about all things American. But I wonder if Kate understands that her priorities should be local.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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