Love Islands Chloe Burrows issues urgent warning not to use beauty gadget as sex toy

Chloe Burrows has issued an urgent warning to customers who thought a new hair product was a sex toy.

The Love Island and Celebs Go Dating star, 27 was enlisted by hair styling brand Mark Hill to help raise awareness in a campaign to stop people from using the product for self pleasure.

Mark Hill has already issued its own warning for its new jumbo waver hair curler device after many customers took to social media to comment on its resemblance to a sex toy, which the manufacturers fear could cause injuries.

To help the brand with its hugely important health and safety message and to stop women from making a painful mistake, outspoken Chloe joined the brand to spread the word that it's for hair, "not down there".

The reality TV star was dispatched to the streets of London where she shouted through a large bright pink megaphone in an attempt to get the message across to the public, the Daily Star reports.

The publication said: "The telly personality and the Mark Hill Hair team toured some of London’s most famous landmarks including Big Ben, The London Eye, Oxford Street, Carnaby Street, Covent Garden, and Piccadilly Circus to spread the word."

They went on to explain that Chloe was heard shouting: "this is not a sex toy!" while trying to make customers understand that the product is for hair, not for "down there."

Chloe's message comes after Mark Hill had to issue their own statement about their new product following the confusion.

In a public comment, they said: "Countless consumers are confusing Mark Hill Hair’s new styling wand as a sex toy, leading the brand to issue a public service announcement to avoid embarrassment and injury".

There have been no reports of any customers being injured for using the production inappropriately.

In the past, women have been warned not to use unusual objects that aren't sex toys for their personal areas, including ice lollies during the summer months.

Dr Sarah Welsh, the co-founder of HANX condom brand, previously told the Mirror: "The vagina is composed of very delicate and sensitive skin, hence things that may seem innocent to other areas of the body, if they come in contact with the vagina, can cause infections, irritations and damage.

"There are many things that should never go near a vagina and ice lollies are up there. The ice can stick to the delicate skin of the vagina and cause real trauma and damage."

Dr Welsh went on to warn that the sugar in the lolly could also potentially disrupt the natural pH of the vagina and also shared concern that the lolly could break inside.

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