Sally Nugent stunned as BBC Breakfast hijacked by screeching protester

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Sally Nugent was left stunned after a protester jumped in to interrupt a live BBC Breakfast segment.

The 52-year-old joined Jon Kay in the studio, where they were speaking to BBC Money and Work reporter Peter Ruddick, who was broadcasting live from Manchester.

They had been discussing recent updates on the HS2, as the northern leg of the line is set to be axed by the Prime Minister due to soaring costs.

But the report was stopped short when an ‘unwanted’ interruption caused the camera to abruptly cut off from Ruddick and back to Nugent.

Ruddick was saying: ‘From train strikes to delays, cancellations, passengers here are fairly used to uncertainty these days Jon.’

He went on to address some people supporting the scrapping of HS2, adding: ‘There are concerns about the cost, about delays to the project, and questions about the reported benefit of the scheme.

‘It does now seem increasingly likely…’

However, he wasn’t able to go on, as someone jumped into the camera shot directly beside him, yelling: ‘Slash the TV licence fee!’

The protester went on to brand the BBC ‘greedy’, pointing his finger directly down the camera, before the mic was cut off and viewers were taken straight back to Nugent in the studio.

She said: ‘Peter having a little bit of unwanted attention there, so let’s move on shall we.’

As she introduced the next live report, she added to political correspondent Henry Zeffman: ‘Morning Henry, hope it’s a little bit quieter where you are.’

The brief moment didn’t go unnoticed by viewers at home though, with one writing: ‘Lmao, man crashes BBC Breakfast shouting to trash the BBC licence fee.’

Another said: ‘Love BBC Breakfast just now – have a look! “Slash the TV licence Fee”.’

This comes after BBC Breakfast presenter Nina Warhurst was confronted by an anti-licence fee protester while on air earlier this year.

She had been saying: ‘I’m treating myself to an ice cream cone shortly but Claire’s prices have gone up to £3.50 for a single cone and it’s not surprising really when you look at the overall inflation of food and ingredients.’

Someone in the background then began shouting, forcing Warhurst to move away.

While it could not be heard what exactly he was saying, the man was shouting ‘licence fee’ at the camera and at Warhurst.

‘Clearly there is a lot of demand for ice cream,’ Kay joked in the studio.

Nugent warned: ‘Don’t mess with our Nina.’

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