Ana-Maria and Marin fail to hit it off on this week's Blind Date

‘He had another date lined up after me…why tell me that?’: Ana-Maria and Marin fail to hit it off on this week’s Blind Date

  • Every week, FEMAIL asks two singletons to report back from their blind date
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Single for 18 months, no children. 

Dating Past?

Until a few years ago, most of my relationships were about six months as I wanted to keep my independence. Then, in 2021, someone broke my heart. 

Since then, I’ve been more careful who I date. But I’m ready to settle down now.

Pre-Date Nerves?

No, my only worry was that I might be matched with someone I’ve dated before.

IT project manager Ana-Maria, 30, would like to meet an active, confident, outdoors-loving guy who has an established career

First Impressions?

Not good. Marin was already at our table wearing a T-shirt and jeans — both looked unironed, which gave the impression he didn’t care. 

I had chosen a nice dress to make a good impression. He had an attractive smile and was good-looking, but I wasn’t attracted to him.

Easy To Talk To?

We mostly talked about Marin — the growth of his construction companies and his ambition to become an actor. 

I told him what I did but he didn’t ask about my career plans. I mentioned I’m going to Portugal in September but again, zero interest.

He ordered a hamburger as a starter, followed by a steak as he was hungry. Luckily, the burger was so big he cancelled the steak so we avoided the awkwardness of his two main courses.

Embarrassing Moments?

During lunch, Marin said he was going on a date after ours. He told me I’m pretty but he wasn’t attracted to me. 

It’s fine to have another date but why say that? I nearly walked out, but the restaurant was beautiful so I made the best of it.

Did Sparks Fly?

No. Who wants to feel like they are on a dating conveyor belt?

See him again?

No. It was one of the most awkward dates ever. Within seconds of us leaving, he made a run for the train station for Date 2. 

He has sent a follow request on Instagram but I won’t accept it.

What do you think he thought of you?

I don’t know. I think at first he liked me. Even though his behaviour left a lot to be desired, I don’t want to savage him. 

He’s not a bad person, just not good with women.

Would your friends like him?

I told them what happened and they laughed — how can they not?



Single for 18 months, no children.


IT project manager.


An active, confident, outdoors-loving guy who has an established career.


Single for 14 months, no children.


Owner of two construction firms — one in the UK and one in Spain.


An active, positive lady who is blonde or brunette with blue eyes, and who doesn’t nag.



Single for 14 months, no children.

Dating Past?

I was in a relationship for nearly six years with a beautiful woman. When I decided it wasn’t working out, she took everything. More fool me because I let her.

Now I see it as a lucky escape because she was turning into her mother. Her father is henpecked and I did not want that life for me.

It’s hard to find a woman in London though, they seem to be gold-diggers.

Marin, 35, is looking for an active, positive lady who is blonde or brunette with blue eyes, and who doesn’t nag

Pre-Date Nerves?

No — it was my first day off in a while and I was looking forward to meeting my match.

First Impressions?

Not good. Ana-Maria arrived five to ten minutes late. It’s not nice to keep a gentleman waiting. 

By way of apology, she said she had been waiting for someone to show her to our table. 

She wore an unflattering dress. There was no sexual attraction for me.

Easy To Talk To?

Ana-Maria wasn’t excited to talk to me and I wasn’t excited to talk to her either. I hate being the one who asks all the questions.

I was honest and explained that because I wasn’t sure how our date would pan out, I had organised another for 3pm. (I had a great time on the second date and went back to hers afterwards.)

We talked about our careers and our ambitions. I came to the conclusion that Ana-Maria is looking for a traditional career-focused, middle-class guy. That’s not me.

Embarrassing Moments?

I can’t think of any. The waiter was very slow, that’s it.

Did Sparks Fly?

No — I didn’t flirt. There was no point. She is beautiful but not the type of woman I’m looking for. 

Ana-Maria did say that while she doesn’t have a type, I’m not hers.

See her again?

I’d like to be respectful about Ana-Maria, but this was not a great date. We parted after an hour with a kiss on each cheek. 

I wished her well but had to dash to reach my next date on time.

What do you think she thought of you?

I don’t really know. She’s definitely a material girl. She asked me what I earned and that’s just not a first date question in my book.

Would your friends like her?

I don’t talk to my friends about the women I date, on principle — so who knows?


LIKED? The cocktails were tasty.




LIKED? The date afterwards.



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