Find out if Rebecca and David hit it off on this week's Blind Date

Find out if Rebecca and David hit it off on this week’s Blind Date

  • Every week, FEMAIL asks two singletons to report back from their blind date 
  • Would you like us to find you a date? Are you a singleton, or is there someone you’d like to send on a blind date? Email: [email protected] 


Vital statistics

Divorced for three years, no children.

Current role 

I’m a chiropractor.

Would like to meet

Someone positive with enough energy to keep up with me.

Relationship History

I was married for ten years and had two long-term boyfriends before that. Since leaving my ex-husband, I’ve had one short-term boyfriend but essentially I’ve been single for over two years.

Rebecca, 40, who says she would like to meet someone who is positive with enough energy to keep up with her

Pre-date nerves?

I don’t tend to get nervous and was actually excited, although the blind date element heightened that adrenaline. I wore a lovely leopard print dress to feel date-ready.

First impressions?

He stood up and gave me a hug, which was lovely. I was wearing heels so it was great to see he was still taller than me. Best of all, he had lovely eyes with long eyelashes.

Easy to talk to?

He chats more than I do, which is crazy, and he’s a super nice guy. We both love animals and showed each other pictures of our pets. I have a mini schnauzer and he has a cat called Evelyn, who he clearly loves.

We also talked about my upcoming trip to South Africa and he gave me lots of tips. It was so easy, we even sampled each other’s food.

Halfway through the main course, he said it was going so well he wanted to see me again, so we swapped numbers.

I like men who are direct and confident.

Embarrassing moments?

No, there wasn’t any awkwardness at all.

Did sparks fly?

There was palpable chemistry and I tried to flirt a bit, which I think he noticed. He’s not a massive flirt, but he laughed at my attempts to be a little cheeky so it went well. I held his arm as we walked to the train station and he kindly carried my heavy bag.

We hugged and kissed goodbye on the cheek, and have been texting ever since.

Would you like to meet again?

Yes, I’m going to invite him to Brighton and, if he’s ok with that, then I think it has potential.

What do you think he thought of you?

I think he likes me as he was open and honest about wanting to see me again. We have a similar energy, which just made it feel so fun.

Would your family and friends like him?

Yes. He comes across as confident and chatty, which they know I like.

David, 43 

Vital statistics

Single for three years.

Current role

Solicitor in TV production.

Would like to meet

Someone intelligent, outgoing and caring, with a sense of humour.

David, 43, who says he would like to meet someone who is intelligent, outgoing and caring, with a sense of humour

Relationship history

My last long-term relationship ended in 2020. Prior to that, I had a number of relationships that lasted a couple of years.

Pre-date nerves?

Not really, I was looking forward to meeting her.

First impressions?

As she walked in, I thought: ‘Wow, she looks just like the actress Kim Basinger.’ She has a gorgeous smile and wonderful eyes you could go swimming in. Squeezing past another table to get to ours, she apologised with a ‘Sorry if my bottom is in your face’ and I knew immediately we’d get on.

Easy to talk to?

We were talking so much we didn’t even order a drink for 20 minutes. She recently lost both her parents and told me it’s really made her appreciate life. I have nothing but respect for the adventures she’s planning as a result. It felt like a fourth or fifth date and that we just knew each other. The love of my life is my cat, Evelyn, and Rebecca pretended to mimic Evelyn’s purring. I burst out laughing so loudly people stared, but I was having too good a time to care.

Embarrassing moments?

None at all, other than we ate a lot of food! We both hate waste so we pushed through to eat everything and then ordered dessert.

Did sparks fly?

Absolutely – we got on so well. We flirted a little, too, and swapped numbers. I told her we have to meet again as she owes me a bottle of wine for the tips I gave her for her South African trip.

Would you like to meet again?

As SOON as she gets back. She’s from Brighton and I have fun memories of playing in a band there, so I’m excited to go back. I’m giving our date eight out of ten as I want to see her again to make up the final two!

What do you think she thought of you?

I hope she thinks I’m fun, that we got on well and she would like to see me again. Outside the train station, she bent down on one knee to fix her shoe and I made a joke about her proposing too soon. It could have been awkward, but I loved that she just went along with the joke.

Would your family and friends like her?

My friends would love her. I’d hesitate to introduce her to some of them in case they liked her too much!

Rebecca’s verdict


Liked? There was nothing we couldn’t talk about. 

Regrets? None. 

Coffee or cab? Cocktails 

David’s verdict


Liked? Our four hours seemed like 30 minutes. 

Regrets? None at all. 

Coffee or cab? Coffee. 

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