Jimmy Savile claimed Charles asked him to rehabilitate Sarah Ferguson

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Jimmy Savile claimed King Charles asked him to rehabilitate Sarah Ferguson after her notorious 1992 toe-sucking episode

Sexual predator Jimmy Savile claimed Charles, then Prince of Wales, asked him to rehabilitate Sarah Ferguson after her notorious 1992 toe-sucking episode.

He boasted he had been charged with ‘sorting out’ the Duchess of York.

‘I was helping [Sarah] not to get publicity rather than to get publicity,’ he told his biographer Dan Davies.

‘The thing about me is I get things done. I work deep cover… people don’t realise I’m deep cover until it’s too late.’

Tragic. But most of his wickedness was in plain sight.

Sexual predator Jimmy Savile (pictured) claimed Charles, then Prince of Wales, asked him to rehabilitate Sarah Ferguson after her notorious 1992 toe-sucking episode

He boasted he had been charged with ‘sorting out’ the Duchess of York (pictured)

Harriet Harman, recipient of a gift of a monogrammed Love Island flask from a fellow MP, admits she is a fan of the raunchy TV programme.

She says: ‘I’m intrigued by the dating show’s appeal.’

Poignantly Harriet, 73, now a widow, jokes she might ‘go bonkers’ living on her own. Could she not enrol in Davina McCall’s LI-inspired dating experience for the young at heart, My Mum Your Dad?

Harriet Harman, recipient of a gift of a monogrammed Love Island flask from a fellow MP, admits she is a fan of the raunchy TV programme

Former BBC royal correspondent and sartorial dandy Michael Cole gasps at The Repair Shop’s Jay Blades, who praised King Charles’s tailoring, saying: ‘His double-breasted suits are to die for.’

Rages Cole: ‘That would be true but for the fact that Charles refuses to have proper flaps on the jacket pockets of his suits, which renders them inelegant.’ He adds: ‘This fashion quirk he inherited from his father.

Prince Philip banished pocket flaps for the silly reason that they might look untidy if not properly deployed.’

Maybe deployed flaps were a secret weapon when the old boy was in the Navy!

No Christmas card from the Duchess of Sussex, pictured, for one-time US presidential candidate John Kerry? When meeting Princess Margaret’s former lady-in-waiting Anne Glenconner, she asked him: ‘What do you think of Harry and Meghan?’ He replied: ‘We all feel very, very sorry for Harry.’

When given the starring role of Ratty in his school’s production of Toad of Toad Hall, Sir Cliff Richard initially refused it and told his teacher Mrs Jay Norris he couldn’t sing. ‘I told him that that was rubbish,’ said Mrs Norris, who has died aged 103. ‘He decided he would give it a go and elegantly twirled the lovely long rat’s tail on the hired costume.’ Is that where Devil Woman came from?

In the twilight of his career, follicly-challenged Bobby Charlton viewed his comb over and asked his wife Norma: ‘What am I doing? This looks ridiculous,’ adding: ‘So I just took a pair of scissors and cut it off. Looking back, I think it was very silly.’

George Harrison’s biographer Philip Norman recalls two unpleasant hours with Yoko Ono and her lawyers as she tried to wrest back tapes of interviews he had conducted with John Lennon for a book. ‘Also present was an unidentified woman whose role was unclear until Ono shouted at me, “How could you write that John masturbated?” (She herself had told me this with a smile during our interviews). At this, the mystery woman went, “Ugh!” and gave a theatrical shudder, and I realised she was Ono’s personal shudderer.’

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