My boyfriend encourages me to bonk other men – and has a particular type

My boyfriend encourages me to have sex with other men because he likes to watch.

We go to clubs, and he picks out guys he’d enjoy seeing me with. He has a particular type; he likes tall, well-built men who clearly play sport and go to the gym. I sidle up to our chosen target. I flirt and offer to buy drinks.

I’m completely upfront and honest about ‘the deal’ and generally have a good success rate. My boyfriend acts as a cab driver and takes us all back to our place where more booze is offered, and sex takes place in the front room.

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We order a taxi for the bloke at around midnight then go up to our bedroom for red hot passion. My boyfriend is always on fire after watching me; he’s like a rampant rhino.

He literally shakes as he takes me in his arms and eats me alive. It’s not unusual for him to keep going for four or five hours at a time with the eventual help of a few blue pills. Sometimes if we hit a dry patch, then he looks for interested guys on the Internet.

Occasionally we even have to pay them. But no matter how broke we are, or how many outstanding bills we have, finding willing lovers to play with is a priority as far as he’s concerned.

But is this a good way to go proceed? I was turned on and intrigued the first time he suggested picking up strangers. I thought it was all a big laugh. I was younger and something of a dare devil.

Recently, however, things turned ugly when a conquest flipped out. He wanted kinky sex. He was violent and abusive and started smashing up our stuff. He wanted more money and my guy had to give him his watch, cash, and my jewellery to get him out.

I was left feeling violated and shook up, but my guy insists we have to press on. I feel I’m doing a huge amount to pleasure him but he’s doing very little to please or even protect me.

JANE SAYS: It sounds like something that once seemed like a thrilling idea has turned uglier than a piece of dead fish.

Picking up strangers for sexual encounters was exciting for a while; you were egged on and encouraged by your boyfriend to push back boundaries and take risks but now you’ve been left with a nasty taste in your mouth.

A recently, very frightening experience has, understandably rendered you feeling vulnerable and unprotected. The truth is that you take a tremendous physical, mental ad sexual risk every time you approach a stranger.

You put yourself in seriously danger because you just don’t know what you’re dealing with. Do you kiss? Do you always practice safe sex i.e., with a condom? There’s pushing back the boundaries – and there’s this hare-brained idea.

Your boyfriend needs to understand that this is not the kind of life you wish to lead. You crave a more regular, loving, mutually respectful union. I get the impression that he’s a controlling and manipulative individual who is used to getting his own way.

Speak to your family and get out now before he drags you to places that you really don’t want to go.

View the recent robbery as a much-needed wake-up call because you can’t risk another incident like that, which could go catastrophically wrong. Get your sexual health checked out and get yourself to a safe place.

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