Sports Direct mocked for glaring spelling mistake

Sports Direct mocked for glaring spelling mistake on stationery set for kids

  • The glaring error was spotted at Sports Direct in St Martins Quarter, Worcester
  • READ MORE: What it’s really like to work at Sports Direct, according to ex-staff  

Shoppers have slammed Sports Direct after a comical spelling mistake was spotted on their back to school stationery kits.

The glaring error, spotted by a customer shopping at a branch of the sports retailer in St Martins Quarter, Worcester, on Monday, saw the kits being sold as ‘stationary’.

But the spelling mistake wasn’t even consistent, because a different stationery kit from the sports giant had it spelled correctly. 

Social media users have since suggested bosses at the sportswear giant should go back to school themselves following the hilarious blunder.

Photographer Emma Trimble, 43, of Worcester, stumbled across the stationery kits while shopping for her daughter’s shin pads.

Shoppers have been mocking Sports Direct after spotting a comical spelling mistake on their back to school stationery kits – being sold as ‘stationary kits’

But the mistake wasn’t even consistent, as a different stationery kit from the sports giant had it spelled correctly (bottom)

She said: ‘I had been looking for a new pair of shin pads for my daughter when I spotted them on the shelves – and I had to do a double take.

‘I couldn’t believe that such a big company had made such an atrocious spelling error.

‘There were some other stationery kits underneath in different packaging spelled correctly, so at some point must have noticed but decided to sell them anyway.’

Stationary is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as ‘not moving or not intended to be moved,’ while the definition of stationery is ‘writing and other office materials.’

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Bizarrely, the same stationery kit but in different packaging is being sold on shelves underneath but with the correct spelling.

One person wrote on Reddit: ‘Oddly enough they are the same kit, just packaged differently. Spelling is the only item that differs.’

Another added: ‘Maybe they realised the error too late and thought nobody will notice, lets just crack on and flog them.’

Posts on social media suggest the same spelling mistake is being made at multiple branches across the country.

One person posted pictures of the kits on X, formerly known as Twitter, and wrote: ‘I think the sales department of Sports Direct needs to go back to school.

‘A stationary pack of stationery items.’

Another commented: ‘Well, those won’t be going anywhere in a hurry.’

The glaring error was spotted by a customer shopping at a branch of the sports retailer in St Martins Quarter (pictured), Worcester, on Monday

Someone on X, formerly known as Twitter, said: ‘They couldn’t decide if it should be “Stationary” or “Stationery”, so Sports Direct are using both! #spelling #BackToSchool’

A third web user said: ‘I suppose they aren’t really well known for their office range. Maybe they should just stick to giant mugs and cheap trackies.’

Another added: ‘They couldn’t decide if it should be “Stationary” or “Stationery”, so Sports Direct are using both! #spelling #BackToSchool.’

A fifth put: ‘Stationery with an E.. not a great role model for school children’s kit.’

Another said: ‘Maybe they called it stationary because it’s going to remain on the shelves? Who’s actually buying sports direct stationery?’

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