The ultimate Full English breakfast revealed

The ultimate Full English breakfast revealed: Fried eggs, bacon, sausages are essential but black pudding and hash browns can go!

  • UK retailer Metals4u revealed a series of shocking revelations in the findings 
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Bacon, fried eggs and sausages are all an essential part of a Full English breakfast, but hash browns are optional, according to a new survey of more than 500 tradespeople.

The fried potato snack was among the most unpopular items on a breakfast plate, along with baked beans and black pudding.

The survey also highlighted regional differences, with tradespeople in Liverpool, Manchester and Newcastle preferring sausages, while bacon is more popular down south.

Metals4U, the largest online metal supplier in the UK, surveyed 504 tradespeople from around the country about their breakfast preferences, and the results indicated a series of peculiar eating habits, including the addition of gravy or mushy peas in full English.

Surpridingly, 85 per cent don’t believe hash browns are essential to the traditional English brekkie. 

Online metal retailer metals4u conducted a survey asking over 500 tradespeople their most- favoured items on a builder’s breakfast, and the results were surprising (pictured)

The best and worst items in a Full English Breakfast…

The UK’s most-loved breakfast items are:

1. Bacon

2. Sausages

3. Fried egg

4. Mushrooms

5. Scrambled egg

 The least-favourited items included:

1. Black pudding

2. Hash browns

3. Poached egg

4. Beans

5. Toast

To no surprise, bacon, sausages, and fried eggs claimed the top spots.

However, the data indicated that many tradespeople were ready to remove some fry-up classics.

Interestingly, almost four in five are happy to get rid of baked beans, and three-quarters would ditch tomatoes.

However, it was black pudding that was the least popular item on a Full English, with just 13 per cent of tradespeople wanting it.

The study also revealed that 8 per cent said mustard in their favourite sauce with a fry-up, while seven per cent can’t live without mayonnaise on their breakfast plate.

In one of the more shocking revelations, 9 per cent of workers said they prefer gravy or mushy peas on their Full English.

The brown sauce was voted the ultimate breakfast condiment. However, it narrowly beat red sauce for the top spot.

The data also revealed regional differences as tradespeople in Liverpool, Manchester and Newcastle preferred sausages, while bacon is a more widespread choice in the South.

The north-south divide continued when it comes to breakfast sandwiches, coffee and sauces.

Those in the North liked to start their morning with a bacon butty with red sauce and a cup of tea, but tradespeople in the south chose to kick off their day with a sausage sandwich, brown sauce, and a coffee.

Commenting on the research, Paul McFadyen, CEO at metals4U said:  ‘The Full English breakfast is a hallmark of British culture, and the best items have been heavily debated over the years. 

‘While we expected bacon, sausages and other fry up classics to come out on top, the research threw some real curveballs with mustard, gravy and mushy peas!

‘We were surprised to see hash browns, black pudding and beans so low, and imagine this might cause a few disagreements on construction sites around the country.’

It comes after a ‘woke’ academic claimed the Full English breakfast isn’t very British at all because ‘bacon is from Denmark’ and ‘hash browns are American’.

Dr Ha-Joon Chang dissected the greasy spoon favourite, saying the bacon on our plates is likely to have been produced in Denmark, while the eggs could have been shipped in from anywhere.

The economist, who said he ‘fell in love with the English breakfast’ when he came to Britain in the Eighties from South Korea, said bacon ‘is a result of the Danes industrialising the process of rearing pigs in the 19th century’.

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