We asked you, dear readers, to nominate your other half for a makeover

Man, you’ve changed! We asked you, dear readers, to nominate your other half for a makeover. Here’s what happened when four unsuspecting husbands and partners showed up at our studios

  • Find out what these four husbands and partners thought of their new looks 
  • READ MORE:  The best men’s T-shirts for every style, fit and budget


Newly retired

Just 24 hours before his makeover, Gary retired. He’d spent ten years in the military, then did a stint in banking before working for 30 years in HR. 

After decades of wearing suits Gary was baffled by how to do casual wear: ‘I think I’d become institutionalised and formal. I’d go out and my mates would be in jeans and T-shirts and I’d still be wearing a suit – a casual one!’ 

Gary’s son counted 42 in his dad’s wardrobe: ‘I want to give them all away to charity.’

BEFORE: After decades of wearing suits Gary was baffled by how to do casual wear

For his most recent birthday, Gary’s wife and daughter got him a pair of sliders and a backpack, both Louis Vuitton. 

‘God knows how much they paid! I know they want me to get a little bit more funky.’ 

No surprise that the duo nominated Gary for a makeover. ‘I’ve never really been open to change: I like what I like.’ 

Until now, that is: ‘I need to go more casual.’


Coat, £150, johnlewis.com. Shirt, £35, and trousers, £31, next.co.uk. T-shirt, £25, fatface.com. Shoes, £49, marksand spencer.com. Watch, Gary’s own

‘I don’t always like the clothes that I see in shops,’ says Gary.

But the shoot made him re-evaluate ‘modern’ fashion. Take the houndstooth coat: ‘I wouldn’t normally choose anything like that, but I really liked it when it was on. I’ll wear it all the time now.’

The shoot wasn’t so bad, either. ‘I was nervous at first but got used to it. I started posing a little bit at the end – which isn’t me at all!’ 

Could a post-retirement modelling career beckon?

From left: GARY Jacket, £145, johnlewis.com. Jumper, £44.99, hm.com. Trousers, £34, cottontraders.com. Trainers, £80, gola.co.uk KEVIN Blazer, £134, and trousers, £74, next.co.uk. Jumper, £110, reiss.com. Shoes, £42, hm.com SAM Shirt, £40, marksandspencer.com. Trousers, £49.99, superdry.com. Boots, £120, jonesbootmaker.com ROGER Jacket, £65, and shoes, £85, Autograph, marksandspencer.com. Gilet, £170, hackett.com. Shirt, £35, gap.co.uk. Trousers, £138, reiss.com. Glasses, Roger’s own


Works in admin

BEFORE: Since he was 14, Sam has had long hair and worn jeans with band T-shirts

The 34-year-old always had a specific style. ‘When I was 14 I saw a video of the band Metallica and I went: “That’s me.’’’ So he grew his hair long, acquired some denims and lots of band T-shirts.

Two decades on, nothing’s changed: ‘I haven’t had a proper haircut since then.’ Prior to the YOU photoshoot, his entire wardrobe comprised blue or black jeans, checked shirts and lots of band T-shirts.

A sartorial ‘tag team of my missus and my mother’ signed up Sam for the makeover. 

‘Well, 20 years of dressing the same is a while. And my mother’s been on at me to do something with my hair for ages.’


Overshirt, £69.95, moss.co.uk. T-shirt, £10, riverisland.com. Trousers, £148, reiss.com. Trainers, £90, gola.co.uk

First, the hair. Cutting it took almost an hour. His mum and partner will, no doubt, be fans.

And the clothes? ‘I really like the fleece’ but ‘I’m still unsure’ of the navy shirt. Still, says Sam, ‘it really is a new me. I even feel different physically.

‘This is a fresh start. I’ve presented myself in a very set way for a long time. So I might use this as a way to explore new avenues: maybe keeping up with the healthy-eating plans which I start and give up, or finishing reading the books which I get three quarters of the way through. 

‘This is the catalyst. I’ve tried one thing new – let’s try ten more!’



BEFORE: No major fashion gripes – though maybe Roger’s wardrobe could be more contemporary

Of all the men at the makeover, Roger arrives looking the smartest, in a buttoned-up shirt tucked in to chinos. 

‘I like to look as good as I can. I worked as a banker for many years, so I don’t wear suits now. But I like casual clothes that are stylish – to a degree.’

So why does he think his partner Denise nominated him? ‘Because she adores me, I suppose. That sounds trite, but…’ 

No major fashion gripes here, it seems – though maybe Roger’s wardrobe could be more contemporary.


Blazer, £79, trousers, £50, and T-shirt, £15, next.co.uk. Trainers, £60, marksand spencer.com. Glasses, Roger’s own

Despite his shunning suits in retirement, the linen one is a success. 

‘This design is a bit more up-to-date. My double breasted ones go back to the year dot.’

Will the makeover change the way he shops for clothes in the future? ‘I might be a little more adventurous. We’ll see how the outfits go down first.’

Thankfully, the reaction so far has been positive: ‘Denise loves them!’ says Roger, happily.

So will he wear the clothes again?

‘Yes, of course I will!’ Where to? ‘I’ll be going to the golf club, to “golf club night”, because nowadays it’s very relaxed and casual. 

‘I’ll wear them out to dinner. I’ll wear the suit to Denise’s brother’s 80th birthday party in a few months’ time. I’ve got all this new gear. It’s all falling into place.’



BEFORE: Sporty Kevin likes to dress in trainers and T-shorts. He opts for shorts between May and October

‘I had a doctor’s appointment today,’ says Kevin, ‘but my wife rearranged it and told me: “You’re going to a photoshoot.’’’ Clearly, this is serious business.

The 62-year-old is sporty (he cycles 50km three times a week) and likes to dress in trainers, T-shirts and, ‘from May to October I’m in shorts’. So why change? 

‘I got diabetes about six months ago, so I lost weight from that. The wife keeps telling me I look better in clothes!’ Plus, now none of his old things fit him.

‘This is not my kind of thing. I’m very quiet. I usually stand at the back, not the front.’ 

But Kevin’s wife Emma thought he might, secretly, quite like the makeover: ‘I think she just wanted to inject a bit of sparkle. It’s a fun thing to do and I did get on board – after all the groaning.’


Top, £110, reiss.com. Trousers, £34.99, hm.com. Trainers, £85, gola.co.uk. Watch and jewellery, Kevin’s own

‘What they picked surprised me, knowing my age,’ says Kevin. The patterned shirt looked daunting on the hanger.

‘I thought, I would never wear this. It’s very loud.’ But once he had it on, Kevin thought again: ‘It fitted well.’ And, with the trousers ‘it all goes together’.

Will he wear the outfit again? ‘Yes!

I think when the wife sees me, she’ll push me in a different direction and start getting me more stuff which I wouldn’t have dared to wear before.’

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