Wife Discovers Husband Stole Her Identity to Catfish Men on Tinder – But She Feels At Fault

"One question is nagging me though, is it my fault?"

A woman says she discovered her husband of nine years has been “role playing” as her to catfish other men online — and has asked the internet if she is to blame.

The wild tale of betrayal and deceit was posted to an anonymous forum and so is impossible to verify. However, the details in the story seemed to captivate many a Redditor — with some even theorizing the husband was attempting to set her up to look like a cheater.

Decide for yourself what you think the truth is.

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My (35f) Fault? My 38(m) husband is cat fishing people on tinder and seemingly role playing me…

The post begins by first giving some backstory — the couple have been married nine years but recently hit a rough patch as she describes, “we’ve had some disagreements in our marriage and due to him not wanting to do much after work.”

She then says she’s taken up some hobbies by herself to fill the void: “I’ve taken to going to the gym, walks and martial arts.” But the Redditor says these activities are not an attempt to exclude her husband, “I often ask him to go with on walks, invited him to the martial art class, offered to give up the gym to do something together.”

But she says that while he might occasionally go for walks with her his answer to most invitations is simply a “no.”

And while she describes the past year as being particularly rough she did acknowledge there was a bizarre moment early on in their courtship.

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“Little more back ground, I live in his country, really far from my family,” she began as she described the early relationship hiccup after her move to Ireland. “When we first moved over the only job I could get was night shift. And after a couple of months I saw messages pop up on his phone where he was sexting with an old friend.”

However, rather than letting that end their romance she says, “I was young dumb and in love so I gave him […] a second chance.”

Fast forward to the present, she writes, “Recently, I had the opportunity to get into his phone, I know I shouldn’t have but given the year we’ve had temptation took over.”

“Idiot left tinder wide open,” the woman says she discovered, “he is cat fishing as a 23year old girl talking to men, and saying things like yeah I was too busy so my man left me.”

“I haven’t found anything explicit and he can’t really meet in person but it’s still cheating in my book,” she notes.

“I have no interest in marriage counselling and am thinking to divorce him,” the woman writes but then admits “one question is nagging me though, is it my fault?”

Of course the commenters on the post answered with a resounding, “no not your fault,” however it was her answers to certain questions that made the whole tale a bit more interesting.

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When one Redditor posited, “He may be setting you up to look like you are doing it to him,” she replied “the picture on the profile doesn’t look like me.” She also reminded readers he is allegedly pretending to be a 23-year-old woman — she is 35.

And while she seemed doubtful he was attempting to frame her, she did reply to one person asking what “his end game is” with the whole catfishing thing by admitting it was all very “bizarre” for her.

Another commenter wrote, “Huh? Bro is really catfishing dudes for fun 😭😭 I feel bad for the dudes he talking too” — and she replied, “Honestly I do too! I think I’d be less upset if he was genuinely looking for someone. Maybe because that’s more normal compared to this behaviour.”

When another person asked if perhaps scamming people out of money was the motivation for the role playing as his wife, she said in reply: “Nope just pretending to be a 23 year old female…”

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