Woman with ‘very rare condition’ pregnant with two babies but they are not twins

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    A woman born with two uteri has become pregnant with a girl in each uterus, in a very rare case which has been dubbed "really crazy"

    And the miracles keep coming for Kelsey Hatcher from Alabama, who is due to give birth to the pair on Christmas Day, according to WVTM13. Kelsey, who already has three children with her husband Caleb, found out she was expecting again in spring.

    But the news of another couple of additions to the family was met with disbelief from both her husband and the obstetrician. She said: “I said, ‘Well, there’s two of them in there.’ And [my husband] said, ‘You’re lying.’ I said, ‘No, I’m not,'”

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    However, for Kelsey, who was aware of her two uteri, each with its own cervix, her pregnancies are considered high-risk.

    Alabama Dr. Shweta Patel, who specializes in obstetrics and gynecology, told WVTM that these occurrences are very rare, adding OB/GYNs can "go their whole careers without seeing anything like this.”

    Kelsey’s situation is so unusual that doctors don’t know whether to characterize the dual pregnancies as twins. Each baby has its own placenta.

    “I think medically, this is such a rare thing that we don’t have a better way of describing it besides still calling them twins,” Dr Patel added.

    The Mayo Clinic calls a double uterus a “rare condition” that occurs as a female foetus develops — sometimes the two small tubes that form the uterus don’t join completely to create one large organ.

    Women with a double uterus often have successful pregnancies — but they are also more likely to experience a miscarriage or premature birth.

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    “A double cervix or double uteruses way under 1%, maybe three per 1,000 women might have that. And then the probability of you having a twin in each horn is really crazy,” said Dr. Richard Davis, a University of Alabama at Birmingham professor in obstetrics and gynecology who has studied high-risk pregnancies.

    Other complications could see Kelsey’s uteri contracting at different times — and she could give birth to each daughter hours or even days apart.

    However, Kelsey is looking forward to welcoming both daughters, while acknowledging she could be a case study.

    “I’m typically not one that like likes a lot of attention and doesn’t want people to be talking about all my stuff. And so, to be this rare and kind of out there, I’m like, oh my gosh, there’s a lot,” she said.

    Talking about her new additions she said: “The third one was our last one. But though, we’re grateful for the blessings for sure,

    “But this will definitely be the end.”

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    • babies
    • United States
    • Pregnancy
    • Christmas
    • Family

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