21 Emmerdale pictures: Resident left to die and heartbreaking news rocks village

Emmerdale spoiler pictures for next week confirm another heartbreaking one for some of the village’s finest, with big showdowns and discoveries on the cards.

There is panic aplenty after Jacob Gallagher (Joe-Warren Plant) has an allergic reaction when Victoria Barton (Isabel Hodgins) mistakenly tells him that a slider is nut-free.

The search commences for an Auto Adrenaline Injector, with Jacob indicating that there is one his car, which Victoria struggles to open.

David Metcalfe (Matthew Wolfenden) receives wind of what’s happened and subsequently rushes to the hospital, while Leyla Cavanagh (Roxy Shahidi) vows revenge on Victoria

Gabby Thomas (Rosie Bentham), meanwhile, gets involved and, after losing some investors, she decides to fire Victoria, who is left devastated by the news.

Elsewhere in the village, Sam Dingle (James Hooton) makes a last-ditch effort to reconcile with Lydia Dingle (Karen Blick) prior to leaving for Ireland, but she struggles to reciprocate, with Sam feeling like she’s pushing him away.

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Craig Reed (Ben Addis), meanwhile, tries to use Samson Dingle (Sam Hall) to drive a wedge between Lydia and Sam, but Lydia responds by ordering Samson to stay away from Craig, with a showdown ensuing in the pub.

As a result of what happens, Craig is left uneasy and thus confronts Lydia, who calls him what he is – a rapist.

And finally, a big twist could be on the cards for Gail Loman (Rachel Gill-Davis), who receives a secretive phone call and later meets up with a woman named Sophie (Martha Cope), who has bad news about someone named Oscar.

But just what has Gail learned?

Emmerdale airs these scenes between Monday, September 18 and Friday, September 22 at 7:30pm on ITV1 and ITVX. 

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