Alfie breaks down amid death fears as he reflects on Lola in EastEnders

Alfie Moon (Shane Richie) finally confessed the truth about his scan results and revealed that he does have prostate cancer in recent EastEnders scenes.

Following a chat with Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden), who promised to keep Alfie’s secret as long as Alfie kept quiet about Phil sleeping with Emma Harding (Patsy Kensit), Alfie headed to the hospital for his prostatectomy alone.

However, he wouldn’t be on his own for long, as Linda Carter (Kellie Bright) soon caught wind of his visit to the hospital.

Realising why he must be there, Linda headed over to offer her support, which was gratefully received by Alfie.

In true Alfie fashion, he tried to make light of the situation by cracking jokes – something that Linda soon put a stop to.

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She reminded him that she had been in the same position as him before, and that it was normal to be scared.

It was then that Alfie began to break, as he admitted that he was absolutely terrified, and didn’t want to die a failure.

Linda assured him in no uncertain terms that he wasn’t going to die, but Alfie couldn’t help worrying.

He revealed that he had spent a lot of time thinking about Lola Pearce, who recently lost her battle with a brain tumour and sadly passed away.

He explained how Lola had died with all of her affairs in order, having had a career, married the man she loved and ensured that her daughter would be well cared for.

He pointed out that she had been mourned by everyone, and shared his worries that no one would even notice he was gone.

He expressed his concerns that he was stuck in a job he didn’t love while his kids idolised ‘the local meathead’, who had just married the love of his life – Kat Slater (Jessie Wallace).

He confessed that he wasn’t over her, and had been pretending that he was in order to distract himself from his illness.

With all of that off his chest, Alfie was taken in for surgery.

When he woke up, best friend Linda was still by his side, having not wanted him to wake up alone.

As she revealed that his operation had gone smoothly, Alfie was hit with emotion. Stroking his head, Linda assured him that everything was going to be alright.

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