BBC Breakfast’s Naga Munchetty shuts down Ben Thompson as he says ‘we never row’

Naga Munchetty throwing shade at Ben Thompson

There was tension on the BBC Breakfast sofa this morning as Naga Munchetty appeared to throw shade at co-host Ben Thompson.

Following a report on a couple who had sailed the world, Ben remarked on the practicalities of it.

“Fascinating about that discussing what happens if you have a row on that six-year trip around the world,” he opined.

“Because there’s not many doors to slam. You wouldn’t really get very far so…”

He was cut short by Naga who chimed in without missing a beat: “A bit like sitting on this sofa for four hours isn’t it.”

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Looking right at her Ben responded “Let’s not go there. No escape,” However he then softened and laughingly said: “We would never have a row.”

Their interaction came after Ben was forced to ask Naga if she was alright on Friday when they aired a clip of a man getting hit by a pigeon.

Naga had to apologise while wiping tears away from her eyes after watching the viral clip.

The pair struggled to hold it together and kept laughing as they re-watched the video.

Before sharing the clip, Naga said: “This is the most watched video on the BBC News website this morning, it is tickling Ben. No, in fact, it has tickled all of us, here you go.”

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The hosts started to laugh before Ben explained what was happening saying: “So a pigeon flew into a man’s head as he went to the shops.

“I don’t know why this amuses me so much. Neither pigeon nor man were hurt, we should be really clear.

“This is Michael Spears, he’s from Nottingham. He described it as being like being sacked full pelt with a feathered pillow.”

Naga struggled to hide her emotion as she burst out laughing, with Ben adding: “It was too good not to share.”

“I am sweating,” she told her co-host wiping tears from her eyes. When you watch it’s because you know you’re not supposed to laugh and then it makes you laugh even more.”

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