Corrie's Bethany Platt star Lucy Fallon addresses tensions after Stephen's end

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Coronation Street star Lucy Fallon is set to reprise her role as Bethany Platt after a three year hiatus, and her return comes at the end of a huge storyline that is set to leave the Platt family reeling.

Killer Stephen Reid’s (Todd Boyce) time is running out, with the police coming ever closer to identifying him as Weatherfield’s latest serial killer.

However this story ends, it is bound to have an impact on the Platts, as Lucy Fallon confirmed.

‘I think probably [there will be tension], but hopefully Bethany’s arrival will ease some of that tension,’ Lucy told

Bethany hasn’t been seen on screen since moving to London in early 2020, so her arrival will surely shake things up for the Platts once more.

She explained to us that she’s looking forward to working with Bethany’s family again, as well as getting to know some of the new faces on the street.

‘I think I’d like to work with Daisy, Charlie, I’d like to work with her character. Just because I feel like they would probably clash quite a lot. I think it would be the rivals of the girlies.’

Viewers may remember that Bethany left the street following a break up with Daniel Osbourne (Rob Mallard), who is now with Daisy (Charlotte Jordan). Could this cause tensions between the two women?

‘And I just want to work with the Platts,’ Lucy added. ‘I want to get back in the Platts house and have some scenes on the sofa. That’s what I’m up for.’

In terms of what lies ahead for Bethany on her return, Lucy is as in the dark as everyone else.

‘This is going to be really annoying but I genuinely don’t know [what’s ahead for Bethany]! I haven’t had my scripts yet or anything.

‘I don’t start for another couple of weeks yet so I haven’t actually started. I kind of have an idea of the storyline a little bit, but I’m not allowed to tell you!’

Whatever it is that brings Bethany back, we’re certain there will be dramatic scenes ahead.

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