I’m A Celebrity’s Nigel Farage details being unconscious after plane crash

First look at Jungle Pizzaria on tonight’s I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!

I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here! star Nigel Farage opened up about his plane crash which happened back in 2010.

Sitting around with his campmates, Nigel began to open up about his previous plane and car crash.

The former UKIP leader miraculously survived the plane crash after his light aircraft nose-dived into a field during an election stunt.

He was pulled from the wreckage and suffered broken ribs and a punctured lung after the accident at Hinton-in-the-Hedges airfield.

Curious about the incident, This Morning presenter Josie Gibson asked: “What were you doing at the time when you were flying a plane, where were you going?”

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Nigel admitted: “Being an idiot, flying a banner,” leaving Fred Siriex to ponder: “What was on the banner?”

“A Brexit message, obviously… Vote for independence or something like that,” Nigel revealed.

Going on to discuss his injuries, he explained: “I don’t recall being unconscious, but I do recall the explosion.

“The plane flipping over, being stuck in there, everything broken… every rib front and back, split sternum, punctured lung… it was bad.”

Hollyoaks star Nick Pickard asked: “How long were you hospitalised for?” to which Nigel admitted: “Not as long as I should have been, I discharged myself, I got bored.”

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Grace Dent laughed and noted: “Oh yeah, I can tell you’re one of them.”

Nigel said: “When bad things happen to you in life you’ve got to make a decision. Have I been unlucky, have I been lucky?”

“I’ve had a few things happen which I think does actually help with thinking, ‘Sod it I’m going to do what I believe’.”

Grace asked: “When you stand up in a room and make a speech that’s incredibly unpopular, do you think that flavour of it is you only live once?”

Nigel replied: “Definitely,” before Grace probed: “You don’t mind being unpopular?”

“It depends on who you’re unpopular with,” he replied ending their conversation.

Nigel has already had a tense exchange after Josie asked what Boris Johnson was like outside of politics.

The GB News presenter said: “Entertaining… in small doses. [He’s] surprisingly introverted. You see this big act, fluffing the hair… surprising.

“I think he’s one of the most disorganised human beings that possibly ever lived. The whole thing’s bl**** chaos. Shambles.”

Fred interjected and slammed: “Brexit was about immigration, I remember your poster. I thought it was shameful what you did Nigel. Shameful.”

Nigel replied: “Sadly, sadly it was absolutely true. It was a poster showing mass young men moving illegally across borders.”

I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here! airs every night from 9pm on ITV1 and ITVX.

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