Inside Made In Chelseas Sam Prince and Yasmine Zweegers rocky romance

Made in Chelsea is no stranger to drama, with viewers of the hit E4 show treated to everything from drawn out feuds to explosive breakups over the years, but no relationship has ever been quite so dramatic as that experienced by Sam Prince and Yasmine Zweegers.

As regular viewers will know, earlier this year Made In Chelsea: Corsica aired a chaotic dinner party that could put even Married at First Sight to shame, in which it was revealed that Sam had kissed Yasmine just days after breaking up from his long-term girlfriend Inga Valentiner.

Understandably the news shocked Inga at the time, with the much loved star breaking down into floods of tears as she struggled to come to terms with just how quickly her ex had moved on, as viewers could only look on in horror as they watched her heart break.

Now, two months on since those fateful scenes hit our screens, fans at home have all been left asking the same question: Was it worth it and are Sam and Yasmine still together now?

As far as we know, Sam and Yasmine are still going strong, after the couple appeared to start dating following their return from Corsica.

At the start of season 26, there was some clear chemistry on screen between both Sam and Yas, but the couple refused to put a label on it as they insisted they were simply “good friends” .

But at the series progressed, so too did the couple’s relationship, with Yasmine admitting that although they weren’t “officially” a couple, she would be annoyed if he pursued a romance with anyone else.

A further spanner was then thrown in the works when Sam was caught liking ex-Inga’s old videos on social media, something which Yas herself found utterly heartbreaking.

To make matters even more confusing however, Sam and Yasmin recently insisted they weren’t an item during an Instagram Q&A session, while also being spotted looking cozy together on a recent TikTok live with Miles Nazaire and Temps.

During the live broadcast, a fan commented that Yas would rather be with Miles than Sam, and Sam tried to skim over it by laughing it off with “oh we’re just friends.”

Immediately after this comment, Miles weighed in as he told his followers: "If you can’t guess what these two are by this point then you’re idiots."

There was even more evidence of a romance between the pair on social media, as during the cast’s recent trip to Australia, both Sam and Yasmine were all over each other's social media feeds on what appeared to be a series of romantic dinners and beach days out.

However, nothing has yet been confirmed by the pair directly of an enduring love story between them.

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