Licence to bill… Magazine’s Bond film pictures up for auction

They are part of a treasure trove of prints from the 007 Magazine archive which are to be sold… offering fans of the movies plenty of views to thrill.

As many negatives are presumed lost, Bond lovers will have a unique chance to own part of the iconic spy films’ history.

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The images all come from the original camera negatives and were photographed during production of each Bond film.

They have been curated over the years by Graham Rye, publisher of the magazine. He now plans to sell them off in an auction running now until October 7.

Kent-based Graham said: “The bulk of the eclectic archive I own has carried out my original intention extensively in the pages of my flagship publication 007 Magazine for over four decades, informing and entertaining thousands of 007 readers worldwide.

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“This first online auction, with others to follow, will enable serious James Bond connoisseurs worldwide to add rare, unique, and historic and valuable items to their collections.”

The lots and their estimates can be viewed at

Bids can be sent privately to [email protected]

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