Victoria leaves major character for dead in horrifying Emmerdale twist

Jacob’s (Joe-Warren Plant) is no stranger to life-or-death situations, and not least because he’s heading into his second year of medical school. He’s saved some lives, like that of Bob (Tony Audenshaw), and he’s been at risk himself, like when he was stabbed by his mum’s drug dealer. It’s his life that’s back at risk and needs saving, and Emmerdale’s Victoria (Isabel Hodgins) is to blame.

The Hide is hosting a tasting event which is exciting times for the venue given that just a few weeks ago it only had one chef. There’s a buzz in the air for this new era for the Hide, but it quickly comes under threat – Victoria does not warn those with allergies that her kitchen is not allergen free.

In fact, she gives out deadly advice – she tells Jacob that the tasty little sliders on offer are nut free. They are not nut free.

Jacob steps up and swipes a slider and innocently and trustingly chows down, only to be met with an immediate, violent, and potentially fatal allergic reaction as his airway begins to close.

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There’s panic as everyone realises that the one thing that could quickly solve this problem – Jacob’s Auto Adrenaline Injector – is nowhere to be found. As he fights to keep his airways open, Jacob tries to signal that there’s one in his car. Victoria flies outside to find it as Leyla (Roxy Shahidi) desperately tries to save an ailing Jacob. As Victoria frantically searches the car, she fails to find it.

Jacob clings on and makes it to the hospital where he’s met by a terrified David (Matthew Wolfenden).

The teenager is by no means out of the woods and Leyla is furious with Victoria, already plotting revenge as Jacob struggles for breath. Victoria is later fired for her epic mistake, but her worries are just beginning as Leyla plans to seek retribution.

Will Jacob survive, and what will Leyla do to Victoria?

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