Sean Paul Runs Out Of Interview as Earthquake Strikes in Jamaica

Sean Paul had to press pause on an interview when an earthquake rocked the building he was in at the time … and he immediately got busy high-tailing it out of the room!

The rapper was chatting with artist Tofu Jack and director/producer of Vice Documentaries, Dan Zabludovsky, from his native Jamaica when a 5.4 magnitude quake hit near Kingston.

Just as Sean chimed into the convo about the music biz, his camera started shaking and you could see the whole room tremble … and then he quickly left the frame. You can hear the sound of things shifting around in his room as Dan and Tofu watched in shock.

sean paul

After some movement, Sean Paul’s feed disappears — unclear if his internet cut out, or if those running the stream got rid of it, anticipating the worst … but Tofu Jack accidentally brought a bit of humor to the tense situation by adding an ill-timed sound effect.

BTW, the earthquake was a pretty big one for Jamaica .. and it set off some panic, and caused some mild property damage on the island. Thankfully, no injuries have been reported.

Sean dropped a track last year called “Earthquake,” but this ain’t the kinda promotion anyone needs. Bless up yuself, SP!

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