Blow for Brits as number of newbuild homes built plummets in planning war with town councils | The Sun

THE number of new build homes approved by town halls plummeted to a record low this year, according to fresh figures.

The Home Builders Federation (HBF) said planning permissions fell "sharply" in England, with the number of houses signed off in first half of 2023 down 19%.

Developers have lashed out at NIMBY councillors, accusing them of crushing the homeownership dreams of millions of Brits.

And the HBF has warned an increasingly "anti-development" mindset among local authority pen pushers is deepening Britain's crippling housing crisis.

Stewart Baseley, executive chairman of the Home Builders Federation said: "Over recent years the policy environment has become increasingly anti-development and anti-business and as a direct result we are seeing a sharp fall in the number of homes being built.

"The Government's capitulation to the NIMBY lobby on planning, its mishandling of water legislation and amidst a lack of mortgage availability the lack of support for first time buyers could see housing supply drop markedly in the coming years.


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"Fewer homes being built amidst an acute housing crisis has clear social implications, in particular for young people, and will reduce economic activity and cost jobs."

Around 2,456 housing projects were were given the green light during the second quarter of this year, the lowest since similar records began in 2006.

This figure is also 10% lower than the previous quarter and 20% lower than a year ago.

The HBF has warned that if this continues it will lead to 44,000 less homes being built each year and in turn would see housing stock drop to levels not seen for a decade.

The housing crisis is set to be a key battleground at next year's general election.

Last month The Sun revealed government plans to eco bureaucracy in a bid to turbo drive the construction of 100,000 new homes before 2030.

The move was welcomed by developers.

But there are still major concerns over councillors and MPs who campaign to block new homes in their area over fears of population growth and blighting their views.

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Tory MPs are split on the matter.

But a vocal group of Tories, including ex-Housing Secretary Simon Clarke, have been pressuring Rishi Sunak to wage war on NIMBYism and offer younger generations hope of home ownership.

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