Horoscopes today – Russell Grants star sign forecast for November 7


Being reminded that a deadline is fast approaching will be the cue for you to make a determined effort to get caught up on some work. You won’t take kindly to a friend’s interference but when they offer advice, they will be making some sensible suggestions.


A sudden and unexpected change in arrangements will knock you for six. A workplace incident will draw attention to the need for having those in charge look at ways of improving safety. Your views will be sought and your advice will be taken seriously.


A joint project gets off to a promising start. This will provide the outlet you have been looking for to exercise your creativity and imagination. A partner or someone close will not understand why you have chosen to follow this path. This is something you have to do for yourself.


You will be grateful for a partner’s willingness to listen to your views. Show your appreciation by taking their feelings into account, too. A family confab will result in some worthwhile agreements. You might suggest a few ways a younger relative might increase their chances of success.


You have strong feelings about an event or situation. Still, it would not be a good idea to allow emotions to interfere with the job in hand. All decisions made concerning your career, finances or a legal matter should be based on logic and not emotion.


A friend makes a surprise announcement that they are going to make big changes in their life. This coincides with a time when you are drawing up new plans for your future which you knew they would not be happy about. You suspect they are acting in retaliation although they will deny this.


A youngster’s behaviour outside the home will make you realise there have been things going on in their life you have not been aware of. You’ve been placing too much importance on outside commitments and not enough on family relationships.


An email or memo from your boss or a senior official will have interesting consequences but you need to reply immediately. Don’t tell yourself you will respond to important communications later as you could be distracted and an opportunity will be lost.


Your pay-packet is being outstripped by rising prices. You could do with a pay rise although this request will not be received well from your boss. If it is becoming increasingly difficult to make ends meet, you might think about looking into any allowances you could be entitled to.

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Others are looking to you to sort out problems. You wonder whether putting so much time into the one area is going to be worth all the hassle. Persevere. By rising to this challenge you are likely to make some giant strides towards a mutual goal.


A new role or prestigious job will be causing you more stress than was expected. You Knew it wasn’t going to be easy but you had thought there would be support when you needed it. Before doing anything drastic or impulsive, take some time to think over your next move.


Attending a workshop will have many benefits. You will be cultivating ties with some interesting and knowledgeable people. This could pave the way for a change in career direction. A job where you can use your creative skills in practical ways will bring you more fulfilment.

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