Horoscopes today – Russell Grant’s star sign forecast for Wednesday September 13


Your boss and other senior colleagues would like to have you at their beck and call from morning ‘til night. If you give in to their demands and you could spend your working hours wondering just what you have missed. Breaking free from restrictions could bring a lot of pleasure your way.


Someone who recently agreed to start shouldering their share of responsibilities will ask you for a favour. Yet again you could find yourself having to get on with their duties as well as your own. Don’t weaken for a moment. Stand your ground and you stand to achieve what you have been wanting for a long time.


Spend a little time focusing on any outstanding matters of a financial nature. You may not be keen on having to deal with a bureaucratic mess but it needs to be done. You could be surprised by how easily you get through what you thought would be an uphill struggle.


Whether you’re great at making a banquette out of a handful of ingredients or your talents lie in other directions, put your skills to work and you cannot fail to be a success. All you have to do is use your imagination, exercise your creativity and believe in yourself.


For a number of reasons there will be an extra lively mood around you and this will inspire and motivate you in a positive way. Seeing a friend or colleague succeed in something you would like to do will inspire you to make an extra effort to do better. Go with a desire to share time with friends or with someone you love.


You’re determined to move a project forward. It will take some courage to push past obstacles that have been holding this back. You might secretly wonder, at times, how you’ve found the courage to take action and to speak up in such a forceful way. Enjoy every rebellious moment.


Harmony reigns supreme and this is just the way you like it. There’s a strong spirit of cooperation in the air. You have done a lot for your family, friends and colleagues lately. Now someone wants to do something for you. Respond with gratitude.


You’re in a position now, to boost your earnings or qualifications. Whether it relates to paid work or something you have taken on in a volunteer capacity, your head is certainly likely to be screwed on the right way and the day should end on an extremely industrious note.


You’re struggling to focus on work or study assignments that demand steady mental effort. Psychological issues are rising to the surface. You want to break away from anything that feels restricting. Your short attention span has a lot to do with you being bored with a certain situation.

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You can move away from situations that no longer bring you any happiness or contentment. If you have already been thinking about it, now is the ideal time to break free from an oppressive relationship, arrangement or situation. Take this opportunity to put the past behind you.


You might feel a friend only has themselves to blame for having got themselves into trouble. Even so you can see they’re upset and you will do all you can to help sort matters out. They will appreciate your thoughtfulness and it will be eventually repaid.


If anything is likely to go wrong it will probably do so early on. You might be disappointed by the lack of cooperation around you. Someone is being secretive in which case play your cards close to your chest especially in business dealings.

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