I lived abroad for free and saved £6k to fund my travels

I lived abroad for free and saved £6,000 to fund my world travels – I visited 20 countries by the age of 20

  • Lauren Kirby from Kent worked as a childcare representative in Greece 
  • READ MORE: We’ve taken our 11-month-old son to 23 countries since he was born – he’s the world’s most well-travelled baby

A woman lived in Greece and Egypt for free and saved £6,000 to fund more trips – allowing her to visit 20 countries before turning 20.

Lauren Kirby, 20, from Kent, fell in love with travelling after taking a sabbatical from her work in a nursery.

After seeing an advert for a childcare representative on TikTok in August last year, she decided to go for it and flew out to Corfu for three months.

The travel company, TUI, paid for Lauren’s accommodation, flights, food, and bills and paid her a wage of approximately £827 per month.

It meant Lauren was able to save around £2,500, which she used to fund her travels to Portugal, Finland and Mexico.

Lauren Kirby (pictured) lived in Greece and Egypt for free while working as a childcare representative and managed to and saved £6,000 to fund more trips – allowing her to visit 20 countries before turning 20

Lauren set off for Corfu in August 2022 to begin her role as a childcare representative on the Greek island.

She was put up in a beachside apartment for the duration of the trip and could take one and a half days off work each week.

During her days off, Lauren enjoyed time at the beach and exploring the island.

She was often able to finish earlier in the afternoon so she could enjoy full evenings.

Lauren then came home to Kent in October 2022 and resumed work in a nursery.

But the jetsetter wasn’t in the UK for long- and she headed to Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, in February 2023.

Lauren had her accommodation covered again – and even her medical insurance – meaning she could save £3,500 to go travelling afterwards.

Alongside her work, Lauren also managed to squeeze a trip to see the pyramids.

Just months after working in Corfu, Lauren travelled to Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt to work in the same role and saved £3,500 – as she was able to put away most of her salary

Lauren set herself the goal of travelling to 20 countries before she turned 20- and managed it. She has visited beaches across the globe – and even managed to go horse riding during sunset at the shore 

Lauren fell in love with travelling after taking a sabbatical from her work in a nursery in Maidstone, Kent 

Following her success of working abroad, Lauren set herself a goal of visiting 20 countries before she turned 20.

She has since travelled across Europe, from Italy to Spain, Iceland and more.

Lauren said: ‘I loved Portugal and Lake Bled in Finland.’

Outside of Europe, she also managed to visit Playa Del Carmen in Mexico as well Florida. 

Lauren successfully managed to reach her goal of visiting 20 countries before she turned 20.

In February 2023, Lauren travelled to Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt to work as a childcare representative and saved £3,500

Lauren (left) managed to squeeze in a trip to Dublin during her travels, and visited the Guinness factory 

The jetsetter plans to continue travelling around the globe – and has booked trips to Bali, LA and Australia 

During her travels, Lauren has stopped off in places all around Europe from Iceland to Austria and Slovenia  

Talking of her travels, Lauren said: ‘I loved it. I’d recommend it.’

‘People think travelling is expensive but it doesn’t have to be.’

She added: ‘I didn’t have to pay my bills or anything. I saved all my wages.’

But Lauren has no plans to stop travelling anytime soon.

She said: ‘Everywhere is on my to do list. I’m always on Skyscanner.’

Lauren already has trips to Bali, LA and Australia lined up and is keeping her eyes peeled for other seasonal jobs to fund her love of travelling.

Countries Lauren has visited- 

1. Portugal – Lisbon/ Ericeira

2. Greece – Corfu, Rhodes, Kos

3. Spain – Tenerife, Reus

4. Italy – Amalfi Coast, Naples, Capri, Venice, Milan, Pompeii, Ischia

5. France – Paris, Marseille

6. Hungary – Budapest

7. Iceland – Reykjavik

8. Netherlands – Amsterdam

9. Mexico – Playa del Carmen

10. Finland – Helsinki, Rovaniemi (Lapland)

11. Estonia – Tallinn

12. Austria – Vienna, Hallstatt

13. Slovenia – Lake Bled

14. Switzerland – Zermatt

15. Egypt – Sharm el Shiekh, Cairo

16. Ireland – Dublin

17. Scotland – Loch Lomond

18. United States – Florida, New York

19. Norway – Oslo

20. Wales

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