Life on our Planet producer details ‘massive challenge’ with Netflix series

Millions of species have roamed the Earth over billions of years, and the Netflix documentary series Life on our Planet details the rise and fall of lives on our planet.

The series, which is narrated by actor Morgan Freeman, goes into detail about the five mass extinction events the Earth has suffered and the creatures which survived – or did not – over the years.

Life of on Planet used the latest in graphic technology as well as palaeontology to bring extinct creatures to the screen.

Alastair Fothergill, who is a producer of nature documentaries for television and cinema, opened up to and other media about creating the series.

Life on our Planet took more than 1,700 days to make, involved 500 species, was filmed in over 40 countries and had hundreds of people involved in the making of it.

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Alastair explained: “It’s been a massive challenge actually and I genuinely believe it is a mouldbreaking series. It was immensely challenging and we had a massive team.

“I think one of the greatest challenges was for the very first time we were combining CGI with live action, so those junctions between the prehistoric animals and the modern-day animals.

“Modern-day animals are very good at telling the story of evolution. The crocodiles which are alive today were alive at the time of the dinosaurs so they were key in that story.”

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The producer shared what he would like Netflix viewers to take away from the documentary series.

He explained: “I think we just want to leave people with the conclusion that the future is completely in our hands.

“It’s the most important message everybody needs to understand right now.

“It’s not in our hands for very much longer but right now it’s in our hands and it can be fixed. It’s the only big extinction that could be fixed. So let’s just fix that.”

The first episode, named The Rules of Life, covers the rules of evolution, including interaction, adaptation and natural selection.

Life on our Planet is available to watch on Netflix.

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