Meet Big Brother 2023s Yinrun – quirky but lovable and dreams of living on a farm

The wait is over as tonight the show dubbed the 'ultimate social experiment', Big Brother, returns to our screens. Sixteen housemates arrive at the brand new Big Brother house before a live studio audience as they prepare to compete for a £100,000 cash prize.

One by one each housemate arrives by car as they’re introduced to the nation. Greeted by hosts AJ Odudu and Will Best, the housemates make their way into the house and all meet each other for the first time.

The iconic Big Brother house will play host to all the action – clever tasks, nail-biting nominations and live evictions will be back. The public once again plays a crucial role, voting throughout the series and ultimately determining the winner, who will walk away with a life changing cash prize.

Sixth to enter was Yinrun, a 25-year-old customer support agent living in Harrogate…

What made you apply to be a Big Brother housemate?

Because I think this is such a fun game show. I I think it's another adventure for me. I'm a pretty adventurous person.

What part of the experience are you most looking forward to?

I’m most excited about being surrounded by so many people from different walks of life. I don't think I will ever live in a house again with so many different kinds of people. I’m from China and I think it will help me be more immersed in British culture.

How would your friends and family describe you?

My boyfriend would describe me in three words – quirky but lovable. My friends in China think I am like the crazy mother because I always take care of them. I’m very playful.

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself…

Since I moved to the UK, I have to drink a cup of tea every day – Yorkshire tea with milk.

What are you most likely to get nominated for?

I snore during the night so that might be annoying but I don't snore loudly. My friend recorded it for me once and it sounded like bubbles.

What would you do with the prize money if you won?

I want to move to a farm. That’s my final dream, I will live on a farm and have some chickens, grow my organic vegetables and have a puppy to run around. And I’ll have eggs from the chicken, it will be so wholesome. This is my dream.

Who would be your dream celebrity to live with?

Michael McIntyre, I would love to meet him. He is so hilarious!


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