Prince George faces ‘stresses’ over half term as he preps for big milestone

It was revealed last month that the Princess of Wales will not travel with Prince William to Singapore in November for the Earthshot Prize Awards ceremony and will instead stay at home in Windsor and support Prince George, 10, through his school exams – those of which will decide if he enters a top-ranking school such as Eton College.

All three are now students at the Berkshire-based prep school Lambrook, located just a stone’s throw from the family’s home of Adelaide Cottage on the Windsor Estate.

But while Charlotte, eight, and five-year-old Louis are still enjoying a relatively carefree education, for big brother George, 10, the realities and stresses of school exams have set in, and it’s likely to be impacting the family now in ways they haven’t encountered before.

“William and Kate have three children with very different demands. We know poor George has been feeling rather under the cosh lately because school life seems to be all about being tested,” former BBC royal correspondent Jennie Bond tells OK!

“So this half-term holiday may not be quite like his previous holidays and could involve a certain amount of revision. That will be doubly hard with his sister and little brother having all the fun, but I’m sure William and Kate will find a healthy balance that will allow George to join in most of the time.

“George will be their priority right now because of his exams and his future schooling to consider. Charlotte is relatively carefree but, as the only girl, she’ll no doubt command special attention. Louis is the little kid on the block – probably getting away with murder while their parents are too busy with the others to chastise him!

"I’m sure William and Kate are at full stretch keeping their three youngsters entertained and happy during the holidays. But I am also sure that family life is a top priority – it’s the thing that fulfils them more than anything else.”

In the moments where George is taking a well-earned break from his revision, what might the young royals get up to? It recently emerged that Charlotte loves to sing, which Kate confessed makes her “very happy”.

Meanwhile, just like his grandfather and father before him, it’s been revealed that Louis has an electric car which he drives around Windsor Castle. As for whether a trip abroad is on the cards, Jennie expects “they’ll base themselves at Anmer Hall and enjoy the freedom of the Norfolk countryside and beaches.”

She adds that “those awkward teenage years are still a little way away, so I expect they’ll relish their time together with lots of outdoor activities, barbecues, sports and just being a happy, boisterous family.”

We know the family love spending time on the beach before ending the day roasting marshmallows over a roaring fire, just as they did in a special video released to mark William and Kate’s 10th wedding anniversary.

So maybe the half-term will provide the perfect opportunity to try out the apple, cinnamon and sugar snacks that Kate sampled during a visit to Madley Primary School’s forest school last month.

The family’s half-term break comes after the royal couple hosted the Exploring Our Emotional Worlds forum in Birmingham to mark World Mental Health Day last week.

They’re both leading voices in advocating for better mental health awareness and previously set up the charity Heads Together and support hotline Shout.

Having parents with such a heightened awareness of mental health is very important for George, Charlotte and Louis going forward. Jennie points out, “They can count themselves lucky that their parents are so acutely aware of the problems encountered by so many young people.

"The messages William and Kate give out reflect how they’re bringing up their own children – coaxing and gently encouraging them to express their feelings, their emotions, their fears and their doubts.

“The ethos of the school they attend is all about community, self-confidence and caring for your friends. Its aim is to give pupils the feathers to fly and to excel in their lives ahead.

"So I think both at home and at school the royal trio are being encouraged to express their own feelings and to check on how their friends are faring.”

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