'I'm a psychotherapist – learning this will save you years of therapy

Psychotherapist reveals how to ‘improve the quality of your life’ AND find ’emotional freedom’ by making one simple change in how you think: ‘A lifetime of therapy in two minutes’

  • Dilyse Diaz, 54, runs a private therapy practice in Santa Clarita, California 
  • She shares tips on how to ’empower yourself’ on TikTok
  • Diaz went viral after sharing a technique that will save you years of therapy

A psychotherapist has revealed the key to ’emotional freedom’ that will make you happier and save you years of therapy. 

Dilyse Diaz, 54, runs a private therapy practice in Santa Clarita, California, and has more than 180,000 followers on TikTok, where she shares tips on how to ’empower yourself.’

The mental health expert, who uses the handle @dilysediaz_lmft, went viral after giving a ‘lifetime of therapy in less than two minutes.’

‘What would you do if I told you that right now I could give you something that would undoubtedly improve the quality of your life and every relationship that you’re in,’ she asked at the start of the video. 

Psychotherapist Dilyse Diaz, 54, from California, went viral after giving a ‘lifetime of therapy in less than two minutes’ on TikTok 

The mental health expert explained that the key to ’emotional freedom’ is learning how to master your thoughts and emotions


Psychotherapist Dilyse Diaz explained that the key to ’emotional freedom’ is learning how to master your thoughts and emotions. 

‘The way you do that is to never take what anybody else says or does personally,’ she said. 

Diaz advised setting a boundary and taking care of yourself instead of being bothered by another person’s actions.

‘Would you listen and would you apply it? Or would you keep scrolling and stay stuck another year.’

Diaz explained that you can change your whole life by ‘mastering your emotions’ and ‘mastering your thought world.’  

‘The way you do that is to never take what anybody else says or does personally,’ she said. 

‘That’s the start. If you manage the meaning that you’re making out of a situation, then you can change everything.

‘If you’re offended, sad, or depressed, and you say, “He makes me… She makes me…’ you’re not in charge of your thought world. You’re not in charge of your emotions because you are a victim of what other people say and what other people do.’

The psychotherapist gave the example of a friend inviting you over to dinner and then asking you to bring most of the food. 

Diaz said you can either choose to be ‘super offended’ and judge your friend for being rude, or you can manage your thoughts about the situation. 

She advised setting a boundary and taking care of yourself instead of being bothered by another person’s expectations. 

‘I can say: “No, I’m not interested in doing that. I’m not going to bring everything.” And then I can still have love for [my friend],’ she said. ‘I can still feel peaceful inside my body instead of all offended.’

Master your emotions and create a great life for yourself #FYP #Dilyse #Therapy #TherapyTikTok #BetterLife #Happiness #oy #Abundance #NoCodependency #CodependentRecovery #NarcissisticAbuse #hea #Thrive #MentalHealth #MentalWellness #MentalHealthtip #Advice #abundance #innerpeace

‘The way you do that is to never take what anybody else says or does personally,’ she said

Diaz’s video has been viewed 5.2 million times and has received more than 6,000 comments, but not everyone was convinced they could learn to manage their emotions

Diaz shared that this technique can be used in any situation in which you are upset by something another person has done or said. 

‘Manage your thoughts, never take things personally, and experience emotional freedom,’ she concluded. ‘You can be happy and independent of what anyone else says, thinks, or does. That’s freedom.’ 

Diaz’s video has been viewed 5.2 million times and has received more than 6,000 comments since it was posted last year. 

‘Not taking things personally is very powerful. I’ve gotten very skilled at it,’ one person responded. 

‘As my therapist says, “Thoughts, feelings, facts.” What are your thoughts about the situation[?] How do you feel about it, but what are the facts!!!’ another shared. 

‘Learned this three years ago [while] working HARD with my therapist, [who] was the best therapist I had, and my life has been different since,’ someone else added. 

Others were confused by the technique and weren’t sure how to control their thoughts and feelings. 

‘Tough bc how “someone makes me feel” FEELS natural. I’m not sure how to control my emotions. Take a breath??’ one person asked. 

‘Haha sounds great.. putting into practice 100% impossible,’ another commented. 

‘Nooooooooooo not so! Change your belief!’ Diaz replied. 

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