Coronation Streets Evelyn Plummer threatens Tyrone Dobbs over Cassies overdose

Coronation Street: Evelyn and Cassie

Coronation Street fans are set to see Evelyn Plummer (played by Maureen Lipman) give her grandson a huge ultimatum.

Over the past few weeks, fans have watched as Tyrone Dobbs (Alan Halsall) learnt his biological mother was alive.

As Cassie Plummer (Claire Sweeney) made her way to the cobbles, it soon transpired Evelyn had kept her daughter a secret after all these years due to her drug addictions.

Swearing to both of them that she’s sober, Tyrone has gone against his grandma’s concerns and has decided to get to know his mum and allow her to move in.

However, fans of the ITV soap know Cassie’s slipped back into old habits after being caught by Abi Webster (Sally Carman) on Monday night stealing cash from work.

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This week, Abi confronted Cassie for taking money from the garage after spotting her speaking to drug dealer Dean Turnbull (Anthony Crank).

Begging her not to say anything to her son, Abi seems to agree, until Ruby’s (Macy Alabi) birthday party.

This week, Tyrone is stressed when he realises he won’t have time to get boots for his daughter before the party and trusts Cassie with £80 to get them.

However, as everyone is celebrating later on, his mother is nowhere to be seen which prompts Abi to come clean about seeing Cassie with Dean and stealing money.

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Furious and fearful, a search party gets underway as Hope Stape (Isabella Flanagan) discovers Cassie unconscious on the floor after taking drugs.

Although she makes a full recovery, Evelyn’s protective side comes out and she doesn’t want her near her great-grandchildren.

Official spoilers reveal she decides to speak to Tyrone and threatens to take action.

With Fiz Brown (Jennie McAlpine) away from the cobbles, Evelyn tells Tyrone that he needs to call his wife and tell her about Cassie’s relapse.

She also tells her grandson he needs to explain how it was Hope who found her and if he doesn’t she will.

Will Tyrone reveal everything that’s happened to Fiz while she’s been away? Or will Evelyn be the bearer of bad news?

Speaking to about her character, Claire Sweeney teased there’s plenty of drama ahead.

She said: “She’s going to cause havoc, she is a live wire. She’s also- I’ll be honest with you. I’ve been reading some future scripts, not only is there great drama but the writers, the writers are just fantastic!”

Coronation Street continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays on ITV from 8pm.

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